Employee Engagement Surveys

Employee Engagement Surveys measure employee’s involvement and attitudes toward their work and company. Intellectually and emotionally engaged employees help to create satisfied, more loyal customers and improved business performance.

Employee Engagement Surveys measure the degree of employees’ attachment to their jobs, colleagues and organization, helping to determine their willingness to go beyond the basic parameters of their job. This information can also be used to understand what factors have the greatest impact on engaging employees and to predict employee retention. Employee Engagement Surveys are closely linked to customer engagement and are measured in similar ways.

Using a Net Promoter Score tool, allows the organization to measure both internal and external customers and divide them into three categories: “Promoters” are loyal enthusiasts who keep buying from a company and urge their friends to do the same. “Passives” are satisfied but unenthusiastic customers who can be easily wooed by the competition. And “detractors” are unhappy customers trapped in a bad relationship.

The Process

  • Create an inventory of data sources available to the company in order to define key drivers of engagement. Data sources often include anonymous surveys, employee suggestions, predictive modeling programs based on information from previous surveys, in-depth discussions or focus groups with employees at all levels of the organization and social media comments.
  • Analyze engagement metrics: employee satisfaction with the impact of their work, rewards, relationships, values, mission, sustainability and working environment.
  • Translate key engagement metrics into a short survey that respects employees’ time and focuses on the most important information.
  • Establish a frequency to conduct the surveys generate a steady stream of information about engagement levels and ideas for improvement.
  • Create and implement policies to ensure employee engagement is a top priority for managers and employees themselves.
  • Create and implement procedures to allow the organization to quickly respond to feedback, analyzing and developing solutions to key issues.

What do Employee Engagement Survey’s achieve?

  • More productive, satisfied and motivated employees by instilling a sense of purpose and autonomy, as well as a strong affiliation with the company and its commercial offerings.
  • An emotionally safe environment, with the right tools to perform work for a perceived fair compensation.
  • Prioritize investments that will have the greatest impact on employee engagement.
  • More satisfied and loyal customers through increased employee engagement and satisfaction creating a positive impact overall in the organizations business performance.
  • Decrease in employee turnover reducing HR costs associated with hiring, selection and training.